Still VETRO, 1 Liter, Glass cooler, complete with steam thermometer, aroma kettle/burning protection and spirit burner Combustion system
Preis 465€

VETRO still (0.5 or 1 liter)

- The still is made of solid, high-quality copper. The still was designed by us and is optimally designed from a process technology perspective. The distillation device is manufactured exclusively for us.
- The still can be ordered in both the 0.5 and 1.0 liter version. Each can be converted to the other kettle size. Hence you then have a still with two different pot sizes.
- An alcohol burner is used as a heat source so that the kettle can be heated up easily. A distillation process takes approximately 20-30 minutes for the 0.5 liter kettle size. Depending on the alcohol content of the material to be distilled, you can produce 0.2 to 0.7 liters of high-proof schnapps per process with a 1 liter still, which you then dilute to drinking strength with distilled water. The measuring kit is recommended for dilution.
- Because of the supplied burn protector – this principle was developed by us in 1998 – it is not necessary to filter the mash before distilling. Nevertheless, there is no annoying time delay when the heating power is changed as there is with a jacketed kettle. Unfiltered mashes produce a higher yield and more flavor in the distillate, because the softened fruit pulp contains a lot of alcohol and flavorings.
- The flavor basket that we also developed in 1998 is used for making spirits: Add spices, herbs or fruits into the basket such as raspberries (for raspberry brandy), aniseed (for ouzo, raki), juniper berries (for Dutch Jenever) or spice mixtures based on juniper (for gin) or alternatively wormwood (for absinthe ) etc.. When distilling wine or schnapps with les flavor such as vodka and grain schnapps, the alcohol vapor picks up the flavorings from the basket and you will get excellent spirits.
- The heads and tails are separated using a thermometer. We have worked with this separation method since the mid ‘90s, because it enables more accurate and reliable separation than other methods, especially with small stills. Since the middle of the 2000s, experts have regarded this method as standard for the separation of heads and tails, and not just for small stills. The thermometer has a range from 0 to 110 °C and can be read accurately down to 0.5 of a degree. The measuring point is located at the highest point of the vapor that has not yet cooled, because it is only here that the vapor temperature is independent of the respective still construction and hence correlates to the actual alcohol content of the distillate. The correct position of the measuring point is particularly important, because incorrect positions can lead to differences of up to 10 °C or more!
- The cooling system consists of a 12 cm high glass cooler. The cooler has inlet and outlet nozzles for connection to a water tap. It is also possible operate the cooling by means of a small recirculation pump (not included in delivery) similar to indoor fountains.
- The kettle is sealed by means of three brass screws, and a sealing ring ensures that there are no leaks.
- The still is delivered with detailed operating instructions, so that you can start distilling immediately without any problems.
- This still is suitable above all for making gin, absinthe, Cointreau, ouzo and other spirits. If you want to run many trials and make different types, then this still is characterized by the short distillation time and low consumption of materials per run.
- Dimensions: width 18 cm, length 38 cm, height 31 cm (without thermometer)
- In our book “The Artisan’s Guide to Crafting Distilled Spirits," you will find many tips and instructions as well as approximately 100 recipes for tasty brandies and spirits.